Don't be scared that your android phone is totally bad, you only need to verify the particular issues causing it to discharge which could vary from one phone to another. I encountered such few weeks back and did several things before I finally got what made my device not to charge and discharge fast.
Causes of Battery Drainage on Android Phones
Below are the common problems that could make your android devices not to charge.
- Bad Charger: This is the first thing to check when you face the issue of battery not charging. The charger could be damaged.
- Lack of Sufficient Power: when the power output is not the desired one for the use for your phone or if you PC can't supply adequate power to charge your device.
- Bad Battery: Check that your battery is still good and working properly. Some battery have problem with retaining charge after extensive usage.
- Bad USB Port: Cracked or broken USB port could be the problem of not charging.
- Bad ROM: When a custom ROM is flashed to a device and the ROM has bugs with power efficiency.
- Corrupt Memory Card: A corrupted SD Card could make your device to lag and as such to present battery problems while charged.
How To Fix Android Phone With Charge/Discharge Issues
I will give a quick guide to how to fix and know what is wrong with your android device in few steps. Don't skip any of the steps so as to ascertain the main cause.
*** Try a different charger which you are very sure that is working
*** Switch USB cable and charge again
*** Make sure the USB cable and USB port are making firm contact
*** If the USB port looks bad or damaged, consider changing it
*** Try a different battery for those that own a removable battery but if your battery is inbuilt just skip this step and come back after try other steps
*** Remove your SD Card from your device and try to charge
*** Change power source to PC
*** Flash the stock ROM to your device
If after trying all above steps and your device is still having faults retaining charge while charging then consider getting a new device or visiting an engineer.
Preventive Measures While Using Android Devices For Better Battery Performance
==> Avoid charging your phone with low power source
==> Avoid plugging your device charger while not in use
==> Remove your charger from your device once your phone battery is fully charged
==> Avoid rotating the USB cable while charging
==> Restart your device at least every 48hours
==> Scan your device internal memory and memory card to prevent virus attack every week
==> Always back up your device data such as contacts to mail, document to PC or sd card, photos to online storage or pc
I hope this post has opened your mind to the possibilities of battery drainage or phone not charging. Don't just jump to buy any accessories until you are certain of the cause.