Many people have issues when they mistakenly load excess card on their site card or have lot of credit on their site and wish to convert it to cash. Today now present Nigerians with two wide options of converting Airtime to cash directly to your bank account with little charges. In this post I will provide two websites and leave you to choice which ever favours you.
Note each website has its own terms, conditions and fees attached to transaction.
*** Visit Zoranga and register
*** Zoranga has a good user platform which is easy to navigate
*** There's a daily deposit limit of ₦5,000 for customers who have not verified their Zoranga accounts.
*** Your Zoranga account will be suspended if you deposit up to 3 invalid MTN PINS.
*** A transaction fee of 13.5% of your transfer amount is applied to all transfers to any bank accounts. However, customers who deposit with zorapin pay a transaction fee of 6% for bank transfers.
*** Aimtoget is the second platform that can help you in the conversion of your airtime to cash and processed to you bank account.
*** Click here to Register
*** Each transaction on Aimtoget requires 300 Naira charge.
*** If you want to transfer your airtime to Aimtoget wallet, 300 Naira will be charged for the transaction
*** If you also want to transfer from your Aimtoget wallet to bank account, 300 Naira will be charged for the processing.
*** You can also use different methods to fund your wallet
Note: MTN network is the only available network on Aimtoget for now
Enjoy using any of the above websites to fund your bank account.
Note each website has its own terms, conditions and fees attached to transaction.
How To Convert Airtime To Cash Into Bank Account?
*** Visit Zoranga and register
*** Zoranga has a good user platform which is easy to navigate
*** There's a daily deposit limit of ₦5,000 for customers who have not verified their Zoranga accounts.
*** Your Zoranga account will be suspended if you deposit up to 3 invalid MTN PINS.
*** A transaction fee of 13.5% of your transfer amount is applied to all transfers to any bank accounts. However, customers who deposit with zorapin pay a transaction fee of 6% for bank transfers.
*** Aimtoget is the second platform that can help you in the conversion of your airtime to cash and processed to you bank account.
*** Click here to Register
*** Each transaction on Aimtoget requires 300 Naira charge.
*** If you want to transfer your airtime to Aimtoget wallet, 300 Naira will be charged for the transaction
*** If you also want to transfer from your Aimtoget wallet to bank account, 300 Naira will be charged for the processing.
*** You can also use different methods to fund your wallet
Note: MTN network is the only available network on Aimtoget for now
Enjoy using any of the above websites to fund your bank account.
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